If you need support for an emergency, please dial 111 immediately
National Support Helplines
Suicide Crisis Helpline
0800 543 354
Free Text: 4357
Need to talk?
24/7 For People Feeling Down or Anxious
Call or Text: 1737
Please select your location to view available services

East Bay REAP
We provide the Not Engaged in Education or Training (NEET) Service.
We can provide mentorship to young people to help them navigate the space of getting into training, assist with preparing CV’s and help to get them employment ready. We can help with getting youth payments, young parent payments and provide guidance to young people from ages 16 to 19.
We provide this service in Whakatāne, Murupara, Kawerau and Ōpōtiki.
Get in touch via our info below
Email: youthservice@eastbayreap.org.nz
Phone: 07 308 4098
We provide traditional kaupapa Māori clinical and therapeutic counselling services for youth and adults across the Mataatua rohe.
Support services include:
Traditional Māori Healing
Mental Health
Goal Setting
Alcohol & Drug Addictions
Eating Disorders
Mahi Matakite
Spiritual Wellness
Domestic Violence
Building Resilience
Please get in touch through our referral form or contacts below:
Email: referrals@tpoom.co.nz
Phone: 0800 628 228
Address: 92 King Street, Whakatāne 3120
Eastern Bay of Plenty Youth
Crisis Line
Youth Mental Health Crisis Support
Eastern Bay of Plenty Primary Health Alliance
Counselling Services
Whakatāne Services
Ōpōtiki Services
Whakatōhea Social & Health Services
Trauma Counselling, Whānau Crisis Line Alcohol and Drugs Counselling.
Kawerau Services
Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora
Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora
Murupara Services
EastBay REAP Murupara
Whānau Tautoko & At Risk Youth Support
Te Ika Whenua Hauora
Te Ika Whenua
Rangatahi Ora- Youth Well-Being Programme
Contact Us
Please use this form to get in touch with us if you have
any questions about the Youth Service Map
or the PETRA Programme.
Huge thank-you to these generous change activation partners and sponsors.
Together we are actively providing youth mental health education in our communities.